Affiliate Marketers - Don't Be Afraid of Meek Or Humble Beginnings
O affiliate marketer - you have to go far in your affiliate marketing journey. But the beginning does not have to be spectacular. How many glorious success stories started from humble beginnings!
Many affiliate marketers make the mistake of waiting too much before they start doing something. When they launch their website they want it to be perfect in every aspect. So they needlessly delay and delay before mustering up the courage to publish their website to the world.
Most top bloggers and marketers did not have a dream start. In fact many of them had dreadful starts. Their first work was full of errors and flaws. Yet they did not wait till everything was perfect. They just made a start. And they kept going...
The lesson to learn from this is - don't wait till the perfect moment. Don't be afraid of doing things badly. Many people before you have done awful work but still they succeeded. The reason was they kept doing the work and kept improving. They did not let their fears stop them. They were as afraid as you are of what people would say about their work.Yet they did what they had to do!
Nobody is perfect and much of the work you do will have some shortcomings and flaws. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You just need to develop the mindset of improving yourself - trying to make small, incremental improvements over a long period of time. Sooner or later the quality of your blog posts will improve. You may make dramatic progress within short period of time.
But if you don't take necessary action then you wont improve. Don't fool yourself by thinking that you are now in the learning phase and you will start taking action when you have mastered a thing. Mastery comes after you start taking action. Doing is also learning. You most likely will falter and make mistakes no matter how much time you spend in learning. So start the doing process as quickly as you can.
Of course you also need to learn from your mistakes and failures. You need to make your best efforts to improve your performance and do better next time. But making mistakes is not an excuse for putting off action. In fact when you make mistake it is all the more reason that you take more action because you will improve faster by failing faster.
Put yourself out there on the battlefield more often. Be willing and ready to get wounded. Success is not easy. You need to step out of the comfort zone and into the thick of the action. You may get wounded or hurt in the process. But take small, incremental steps. Don't try to venture out too far too quickly out of your comfort area but take small, bold steps and you can experience lot more progress.
Start small and grow big!!! All the best and happy action taking!
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